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Kop Trading is a wholesale business trading in all the latest electronic gadgets used by and large by everyone these days. Our business has set the foundation of the wholesale of all gadgets relating to connection and communication including all brands of mobiles, iPads, iPhone, tablets and scooters.

No matter your age and lifestyle, electronics have become part and parcel of everyday life. They serve more than just being able to call and connect with the outside world.  It takes a single tap to send an email, accesssocial media, capture video and images and much more. 

Therefore, keeping all these things in our mind we have been dealing with the best in sales and services of the latest upcoming gadgets. 

We stock good quantities of both the latest mobile phones, tablets and other electoronics so that you can get the fastest delievery possible, with the best prices on the market. 

We, at KOP Trading, believe in long term relationships with our customers. We will therefore do our best to maintain the best relationship with the best customer service.